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Our MIssion Statement


 Mission Statement

     There is a value system established in the home and nurtured through organized activities that our young athletes are developing. these values integrity, fairness, and respect are lifetime values taught through organized and structured athletics.

      They are also foundation upon which good sportsmanship is built. Sadly enough, these values are often challenged in the face of adversity. As an instructional facility, Champs Central and it's staff are committed to teaching young athletes to set goals, strive for excellence and to properly handle any adversity they may encounter along the way.

      With these values in place, the spirit of competition will thrive, fueled by honest rivalry, courteous relationships, and graceful acceptance of the results in the "arena of life."

All Star Fundraising Policy

Any and all monies raised in the name of Champs Central is to be placed in the account of the athlete involved in the the fundraising activity.  This money , whether it is raised through sponsorships, tagging, lotto cards, McDonalds cards, discount cards, Krispy Kreme, Sub sale,  bake sales, candle sales, WVU ticket sales, elimination dinners, bingo, spaghetti dinner, or any other fundraiser done in the name of Champs Central , will go directly into the athletes account and remain there. It is not refundable should you choose to leave Champs Central. The money will remain in the account for one year and if not used for a Champs Central activity it will be disbursed to other athletes in need at the disgression of Champs Central. 

Champs Central Gymnastics and All Star Cheer 

Gym telephone 304-677-3260


Contact Emails:


Owner Debbie Hartman

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